
This is my archive


You rolled your own framework? Really?

One of the questions I get from pretty much every new developer that we hire is "Why did you write your own framework?  Why don't you just use X?", where X is the whatever PHP framework is currently flavour of the month. Read More

The ins and outs of 12 months at Maldaba

It's been a little over a year since I joined Maldaba as a developer. My previous employer was a sizeable publishing house with a large web presence. My tasks are much the same here but while Maldaba has some very large clients, the company itself is rather small. The transition from a large company to a smaller one presented me with some challenges but also with a more efficient and more enjoyable work environment. Read More

Vaccine Confidence Project Website Now Live

When Dr Heidi Larson was recommended to speak to Maldaba about an innovative research project in rural Africa using digital technology, I had little clue that we'd also end-up re-branding and re-launching the website for the Vaccine Confidence Project research team (VCP) at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).  Where to begin?  At the beginning... Read More

Maldaba Work Experience 2014

Last week was a big milestone for Maldaba, we had our first Work Experience placement!  16-year-old Ezra spent the week with us here in the office, and writes about his time with the team: Read More

BMJ Publishes My Contraception Tool Article

Maldaba are delighted to share the publication by the BMJ of an article written about one of our projects: My Contraception Tool.  Written by our academic partners on the project from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the article describes the project's development, the theories employed, and how the resulting analysis works. Read More

Software That Changes People’s Lives

At Maldaba we're often talking about how we are enablers: working with Maldaba will make your project/organisation/life better, because we'll harness technology in the best way for what you need to achieve your goals.  We'll help you work out what those goals are, make sure they're well-defined, and help you create a pathway to realising them. Read More

Dwell Goes Live!

We're delighted to announce today the first live instance of our new Housing Management Software, Dwell! Designed in developed with CDS Co-operatives and LILAC in 2012, the system is now live and LILAC are beginning to use it in preparation for moving-in to their new eco-homes in Leeds in a few weeks. Read More

Maldaba Awarded NHS Knowledge System Contract

We're very proud to have been awarded the contract for delivering KnowledgeShare Web project for Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust.  Following a competitive tender process, Maldaba were selected as the approved supplier, just in time for Christmas! Read More

Maldaba at the Welsh Assembly

As part of our work with LILAC and CDS Co-operatives to develop a web-based housing management system that can also manage MHOS finances (which we've named Dwell), I was asked to accompany LILAC secretary Dr. Paul Chatterton to Cardiff to speak with Welsh Assembly's Co-operative Housing Working Group. Read More

Maldaba Successful in British Council Framework Tender

Maldaba are delighted to have been included as one of fifteen suppliers on the British Council Drupal Framework tender.  The framework, lasting two years, will account for much for the £2.5 million which the British Council estimates it will spend on Drupal services over the next four years. Read More

My Contraception Tool Wins BUPA Foundation Recoginition

This Thursday, the 10th November, Maldaba will be attending the Annual BUPA Foundation Awards Ceremony 2011. We're very proud to receive this recognition for our work on producing My Contraception Tool, a ground-breaking free-to-use web application for contraceptive decision making, in partnership with Brook, the Family Planning Association (FPA), and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). Read More

My Contraception Tool Goes Live

Maldaba are very pleased (and proud) to announce that our latest project, My Contraception Tool (MCT), is now live!  Representing an 18-month collaboration with Brook, the Family Planning Association (FPA) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), MCT is a ground-breaking free-to-use web application for contraceptive decision making, sponsored by the Department of Health and featured on the NHS Choices website. Read More