
This is my archive


King’s College London Case Study: My Self Help Tool Offers Innovative Support for Young People at Risk of Self-Harm

A ‘smart’ breakthrough in the treatment of young people who self harm could be on the horizon! The My Self Help tool, developed by Camden-based tech firm Maldaba in close liaison with King’s College London, University of Bristol, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and NSPCC, is a web-based application that supports decision-making for young people who self harm. Read More

When is Shared Decision Making actually Shared?

There is a lot of publicity about Shared Decision Making. For example the term comes-up a lot in regards to healthcare, when a patient is included in the dialogue with the healthcare professional to decide on the most appropriate course of treatment. Sounds great, except that the issues around implementation and barriers to entry for daily use can result in at best an inconsistent approach to how Shared Decision Making is perceived by both professionals and the general public. Given that Maldaba's been involved in this area since before the term had become common parlance, I thought it was time to write about our perspective of design, development and implementation. Read More

Decision Tool Trial to Help Young People who Self-Harm Launches

We're excited to announce that our research partners at King’s College London have launched their randomised controlled trial into a decision tool for young people at risk of self-harm.  This is a web-based research project funded by Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Charity and uses two pieces of Maldaba software to carry-out the research and to deliver the decision tool. Read More

BMJ Publishes My Contraception Tool Article

Maldaba are delighted to share the publication by the BMJ of an article written about one of our projects: My Contraception Tool.  Written by our academic partners on the project from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the article describes the project's development, the theories employed, and how the resulting analysis works. Read More

My Contraception Tool Wins BUPA Foundation Recoginition

This Thursday, the 10th November, Maldaba will be attending the Annual BUPA Foundation Awards Ceremony 2011. We're very proud to receive this recognition for our work on producing My Contraception Tool, a ground-breaking free-to-use web application for contraceptive decision making, in partnership with Brook, the Family Planning Association (FPA), and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). Read More

My Contraception Tool Goes Live

Maldaba are very pleased (and proud) to announce that our latest project, My Contraception Tool (MCT), is now live!  Representing an 18-month collaboration with Brook, the Family Planning Association (FPA) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), MCT is a ground-breaking free-to-use web application for contraceptive decision making, sponsored by the Department of Health and featured on the NHS Choices website. Read More