
Coventry University’s Digital Health research team have launched eNgage, a platform for researchers to promote, recruit and run their digital research projects.

The Challenge for eNgage

Designed and implemented by Maldaba in close collaboration with Coventry research staff, the first project to use eNgage is MyWay, a research project looking at ways to help people stop smoking. That project uses eNgage’s randomisation facility to split participants between the control and intervention arms.


  • Co-production
  • Identity
  • Branding
  • Visual Design
  • User Experience Design
  • Business Analysis
  • Front-End Development
  • Web Development
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Randomisation Algorithms
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Technical Architecture
  • Framework Development
  • Integration
  • Interoperability
  • Documentation
  • Data Governance

Project outcomes

Digital Health Researchers conduct the research online now, immediate oversight of participant activity, analysis of behaviour, and randomisation tracking saving significant researcher administration time. Clear lines of accountability and oversight for research data management.

eNgage integrates with key 3rd party facilities, to manage inclusion criteria provided by questionnaire software Qualtrics, and to track user behaviour using Coventry’s self-hosted analytics solution, Matomo.

eNgage enables researchers to publish and promote their research projects, lets visitors learn about them and choose to participate in the research.

Maldaba have 100% delivered on the eNgage project. We appointed them following a tender competition; it was clear that they understood the research process and quickly grasped what we were trying to achieve. At the same time they didn’t over-promise, showing enthusiasm for the project but also pointing out potential obstacles. We liked this approach; it made us feel that we were in safe hands. Our experience of working with them then confirmed this. It is clear that Maldaba value their client relationships. We are delighted with the end product which has transformed the way we are approaching research at Coventry University.

Dr Katie Newby, Associate Professor, Coventry University

In-keeping with Maldaba’s ethos and approach, the project was a close collaboration between Maldaba and university researchers, consisting of workshops, frequent comms using our online project management platform and regular, iterative testing and feedback. The result is an innovative, fresh-looking platform that carries the gravitas needed for a serious research institution, and appeals to researchers and the general public (participants) alike.

eNgage screenshots

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Woman farming

Ready to collaborate with us and solve your problems with software that delivers long-term impact?

Who are we and what do we do?

We are a team of highly experienced developers, designers, and project managers with expertise in web development, app development, data management, digital transformation, and integration with third-party systems.

We work closely with academic and research body operations leaders to develop innovative and user-friendly software solutions designed to solve complex problems, make processes more efficient, demonstrate the impact of research and, ultimately, deliver long-term positive change.

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