
It’s increasingly challenging for NHS and UK healthcare staff to perform as they’d like to.

At Maldaba, we work with leaders, managers, clinicians and administrators to design and implement human-focused technology that empowers the NHS and other UK healthcare bodies to overcome obstacles and excel.

Dudes healthcare

Maldaba’s adaptability, clear communication and understanding of user needs and pressures were all critical to making rapid progress amid changing hospital discharge guidance and the pandemic.

Edmund Willis – Care and Health Improvement Programmed, Local Government Association

A range of pressures

Operations leaders within healthcare settings are responsible for the smotth running of systems, inspiring teams of stretched people, managing finances, and continually improving patient experience.

And yet achieving these difficult goals come with any number of challenges, such as:

Red pulse
Dudes viewing whiteboard

Co-designing software

If they are to continue to meet rising demand, NHS and healthcare leaders need game-changing software that makes a real difference to the delivery of frontline healthcare services and the people receiving them.

But these operations leaders often struggle to define their specific and knotty problems, let alone envision solutions for them that will deliver meaningful people-focused change.

Any technology partner must therefore have considerable experience of working within NHS and healthcare settings.

They must understand the obstacles facing healthcare operations leaders, and be able to get to the bottom of problems like costly inefficiencies, data failings, unwieldy processes, faulty workflows and outdated paper-based systems in need of complete digital transformation.

Healthcare operations leaders need a technology partner that will work with people at all levels to co-design and build empowering bespoke software – such as online portals, automated processes or staff resourcing systems – that create paradigm shifts in culture and the delivery of service excellence.

People-focused solutions

We aim to develop people-focused solutions co-designed with frontline workers.

Whether it’s enhancing patient experience, transforming processes or giving stretched healthcare workers tools they need to perform at their best, the technology must create a real step-change.

Whether it’s enhancing patient experience, transforming processes or giving stretched healthcare workers tools they need to perform at their best, the technology must create a real step-change.

Vitally, any solution must work for – and be co-designed by – frontline workers.

They’ll be the people using the technology on a daily basis, so any solution has to make it easier for them to deliver excellence, improve communication between teams and alleviate stress.

All of which, in turn, will significantly help boost productivity, performance and work-life balance, leading the way to a happy workplace culture and improved staff retention.

Hear Me Now app and desktop screenshot

Ready to collaborate with us and solve your problems with software that delivers long-term impact?

Who are we and what do we do?

We are a team of highly experienced developers, designers, and project managers with expertise in web development, app development, data management, digital transformation, and integration with third-party systems.

We work closely with NHS and healthcare operations leaders to develop innovative and user-friendly software solutions designed to solve complex problems, make processes more efficient and, ultimately, deliver long-term improvements to patient experience and the wellbeing of healthcare workers.

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